The SHINE hub is located within Islington Council and run by the Energy Advice Service. SHINE was first launched in 2010 by the London Borough of Islington and in 2016‚ SHINE expanded to help households at risk of fuel poverty anywhere in London. Support for fuel poverty across London has historically been uneven and the London expansion meant SHINE could offer assistance in areas with little or no local provision. The expansion was publicised with existing SHINE partners as many organisations worked in multiple Local Authority areas and were able to refer any clients they felt were at risk of living in a cold home. By working with partners we are able to reach isolated members of the community and those that need our support the most. SHINE has now helped 25,000 London households to date. The team delivering SHINE help over 5,000 Londoners at risk of fuel poverty every year.
You can find out more about the SHINE team by visiting Islington Council’s Energy Advice Team website here.